Shortly after the destruction of Ramitis III, the Borg launched simultaneous attacks on Korvat, Khitomer, and Starbases 234, 157, and 343. Captain Picard later argued that every ship in the fleet should be armed with the transphasic torpedoes, but Admiral Alynna Nechayev overruled him, saying that overusing the torpedoes would allow the Borg to adapt faster. The Enterprise destroyed the cube with transphasic torpedoes, but was unable to save the planet's population. A Borg cube attacked the world of Ramatis III. Weeks passed and Starfleet's losses against the Borg continued to mount. With no other leads to follow, Captain Dax and the Aventine were dispatched to the Gamma Quadrant to resume the investigation into the Columbia's mysterious appearance there. Ezri Dax, recently-made captain of the USS Aventine, proposed to Starfleet that there may be some connection between the Borg attacks in the Alpha Quadrant and the discovery of the 22nd century Starfleet vessel Columbia in the Gamma Quadrant seven years earlier. Over the next five weeks, there were three more Borg attacks, and Starfleet had yet to discover how the Borg were so easily slipping past their defenses. Your biological and technological distinctiveness have become irrelevant. The Borg then sent an ominous message to the Federation: "We are the Borg. In January of 2381, one month after Captain Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise-E destroyed the Borg-assimilated Einstein, the Collective launched surprise attacks on the worlds of Barolia and Acamar III, completely eradicating their populations.

In this case, all attacks were by Borg drones that had been out of contact with the larger collective mind and attacked independently.
Towards the end of the year 2377, the USS Voyager under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway, with the aid of Admiral Kathryn Janeway from the future, destroyed the Borg Collective's Transwarp Hub and also infected Unimatrix One with a virus that killed the Borg Queen and severely damaged the Unicomplex.